Tuesday, August 28, 2018


Facsimile of the August 28, 2018

Special Town Meeting
Tuesday, August 28, 2018 at 7:00 o’clock in the evening
In the Hull High School situated at

180 Main Street, Hull, MA



Plymouth ss

To any of the Constables of the Town of Hull in the County of Plymouth


In the name of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts you are hereby directed to notify and warn the Inhabitants of the Town of Hull qualified to vote on Town affairs and elections to meet at Hull High School situated at 180 Main Street in said Hull, on Tuesday, the Twenty Eighth day of August, next 2018 at 7:00 o'clock in the evening, then and there to act upon the following articles, namely:


ARTICLE 1:  To see if the Town of Hull will amend the code/bylaw of the Town of Hull Chapter 90 as follows:  90-3 paragraph 1 sub paragraph H by adding at the end of that sub-paragraph:

                                         “Provided however, that residents of the Town of Hull who have licensed their dog with the Town of Hull as otherwise set forth in Chapter 90, and who have paid an annual fee of Fourteen ($14.00) Dollars to the Town of Hull shall be issued a dog beach pass in a format that is determined by the Town Clerk of the Town of Hull and those residents shall be permitted to have their leashed dog on any such beach during the hours of 7:00pm to 8:00am during the months of June 1 to September 15.  (Inserted on Petition of Chesley Oriel and others).


Recommendation: Unfavorable Action on Article 1:  Majority: The majority of the Advisory Board recommends unfavorable action on this article. Similar articles have been brought forward at Town Meeting in recent years and each time these efforts have been denied by the voters. While it is always possible that opinion is swayed with different approaches and the passage of time, this board feels uncomfortable with the use of Special Town Meeting statute. Also of concern is the enforceability of this article as written. The time and effort of the Animal Control Officer (ACO) and others to police the beach in order to determine those properly permitted is unrealistic and untenable. Additionally, a new and important development now exists on our beach. The threatened Piping Plovers have settled and established multiple successful pairs in recent years. They have had an exceptionally tough go of it this summer and need protection now more than ever. We join with Mass Audubon in their opinion that dogs on the beach, particularly during these otherwise quiet hours, are a clear and obvious danger to these fragile sea birds. Please join us in voting no on this article.

Minority:  The members of the Advisory Board that voted in favor of this article strongly agree with the proponents of this article that responsible dog owners should be allowed to walk their dogs on the beach during the hours specified in the article.  This article will allow only licensed dogs that have paid the proposed fee access to the beach with the requirement that the dog be leashed.  The manner of identifying licensed dogs is to be determined by the Town Clerk and Animal Control Officer (ACO).   Enforcement of the article will be done by the ACO and seasonal police officers.  It should be noted that the ACO stated, during a hearing on this article, to date, this year, he has received only 20 complaints regarding dogs on the beach.  We believe that this demonstrates that the majority of dog owners are responsible and have obeyed current regulations.  Increasing the number of responsible dog owners on the beach during the allowed time, we believe will set an example to others and discourage the irresponsible dog owners who do not leash or pick up after their pets.  Unfortunately, whether this bylaw passes or not there will always be those dog owners who ignore the current bylaw and allow their dogs on the beach.  Passage of this bylaw will allow responsible dog owners access to the beach during very limited hours therefore providing greater fairness and enjoyment of our great beach resources to all. The Board is encouraged with the actions of our new Animal Control Officer and increased patrols by seasonal officers helping this effort. (4-3)



And you are hereby directed to serve this Warrant by causing attested copies thereof to be posted at the main entrance to the Municipal Building and at least three other public places in said town fourteen days at least before the time of holding said meeting, as directed by vote of the town.


Hereof fail not and make due return of this Warrant with your doings thereof to the Town Clerk at the time and place of meeting aforesaid.


            Given under our hands this 9th day of August, 2018.













                                                                                              BOARD OF SELECTMEN





















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